Wednesday 2 December 2009

Time is invisible

Our reenactment of the "Saigon Execution" photograph in modern
days was a good project. It still needs refining in places, but a lot
of hard work has been put into this and overall i think we've done
really well. I love the newspaper. I want to keep reading it over and
over again! Im also quite impressed with the final photo, it looks
exactly like the original! The only problem with this project right
now is that we have all these separate outcomes and they need
to unite and become one big single outcome.
And here are the videos "The Evening Standard" wrote about:

We are discussing taking it a step further, and recording a news
broadcast where this event would be discussed along with all the
publications. It might just tie in all the bits (videos, paper,
websites etc) quite nicely together.

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