Saturday 30 January 2010

The oddest thing...

The oddest thing happened yesterday... I saw a series of birthday postcards
in Paperchase which look VERY similar to the one I have designed for
the Boomerang project last year. How strange.

Thursday 28 January 2010

The SOUND cover.

And here is the Sound Cover outcome. I'm happy with the image, as it conveys the idea of sound+location very successfully. I have designed the cover so that it's really easy to reproduce and glue together. However, I think there are still many things wrong with it. It's not very engaging. It looks like a CD cover for a cub mix, rather than a creative student project. I want to experiment with the image, make it more fun and less futuristic.

Watery sound

So I haven't posted anything here for a while, so i've decided it's time to catch up and organize my thoughts... Here is our sound project. We have chosen water as our source of sound and recorded a song using various water sounds. For 'location' we have decided to make a machine, using which all the sounds were created. Here is the machine.

Here is the CD cover that I have made for our project. The whole project was about getting engaged with the water and pushing the limits, which is why I have tried to make the CD cover just as experimental. the idea is that the CD is contained in a plastic sleeve filled with water, and to get it out, you have to rip it open and get wet. The cover that goes in the front sleeve is really simple, just like water is. When you unfold it, you can see the made up notes corresponding to each sound made by the water machine.

We've had lots of fun with this project and I think it's quite successful. The final piece that we have created could be improved in many ways (it's a bit unorganised right now), but then the whole project was a bit experimental and out of control, so I think it all adds up.

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