Saturday 17 October 2009

DEGREES OF SEPARATION - the map project

When we were asked to bring in a map, I brought a treasure map that I drew as a child. I was going to work in that direction, but I just kept loosing interest in the whole concept, so I decided to explore another idea I had.

Six degrees of separation is the theory that anyone
on the planet can be connected to any other person
on the planet through a chain of acquaintances
that has no more than five intermediaries. The
theory was first proposed in 1929 by the Hungarian
writer Frigyes Karinthy in a short story called "Chains."

The "six degrees of separation" theory always fascinated me. I always thought that it is amazing (because I'm sure that it's quite possible) to know the whole world through only 6 people! So therefore, I kept thinking that it would be very interesting to try and actually record how many people I am connected to.
However, I'm not interested in trying to prove whether the six degrees theory is right. What I would like to explore is how many different people am I connected to through the people I know? How many people from different countries are in my network, how many famous people are just an acquaintance away? How many different professions can I find?

This is my starting point. Right now, I am trying to map down the people I know through the people I know through the people I know, if that makes sense. So far I have found out that I know the Queen through only 4 people, one of whom is Prince Charles!

I'm not at all sure about the outcome of this yet, but I'm having a lot of fun connecting myself to people in different countries, finding links to politicians, musicians, artists and royal family. I am realizing that this system could be used to find a connection to someone in a critical situation, when you desperately need to meet someone who speaks a certain language, or works in a specific field. Right now, I just want to find MORE.

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