Saturday 17 October 2009

MPI solves mysteries in Peckham

Peckham... The first thing we noticed about Peckham was that it was full of stuff - vegetables, meat, different shops, people, signs, loud sounds, dirt - it was all there, and in large quantities. We started to walk around, and we came across a CD shop, well, not so much a shop as a woman sitting outside with a lot of old-school cheesy looking CDs. So, naturally, we got one. We couldn't wait to get home and listen to it, but the music on the CD turned out to be completely different from what was promised, and that is how we ended up with two half-an-hour long songs called "Meditations for Personal Healing".

We saw a lot of things, took a lot of pictures, and finally decided to talk to some people, and ask them if they know anything interesting/unusual about Peckham. We didn't get any particularly interesting information, but the things people said to us, helped us understand this strange city a little better.

There are definitely a million weird things that you can find in Peckham. However, what shocked us the most was that meat shops would have a phone-repair shop inside 90% of the time! The meat in Peckham was inseparable with the phones, and that is a fact. And it wouldn't even be that weird, if there were only one or two meat shops like that... but there were 21! And just on Rye Lane!!! Soooo, this unexplainable situation is what our group decided to focus on, and that's how the MPI got created.

We tried to gather any information we could to solve the mystery of the Meat&Phones union. We spoke to butchers and phone sales people, and found out some interesting stuff.
However, the most important question still remains unanswered - WHY PHONES? Therefore, our next objectives are:
1. Answer the main question - Why is it specifically PHONES and meat?
2. Speak to people on the street, tell them about MPI and ask them why on earth do they find it so normal to fix their phone in a place that smells of meat and has dead chickens with heads hanging everywhere?
3. Get some more statistics. For example, what is the percentage of the meat+phone shops comparing to the rest of the shops on Rye Lane?

Also... we haven't really thought about the actual movie yet... but may be that's a good thing, and we'll just see where this project will take us...

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