Sunday 18 October 2009

Losing myself in my map...

There is a problem. Creating this map as a spider diagram starting from the middle is not the best solution at all... It's getting very crowded! Keeping in mind that I'm only trying to record connections to interesting people I never realized were in my network (different countries, interesting jobs)! If I tried to record ALL of the people I am connected to, I would be faced with an impossible mission of noting that down on a piece of paper without running out of space! Right now I am really trying to think of a good way of presenting this information and nothing comes to mind. This is what the map looked like at the start:

AND THIS IS WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE NOW! And I haven't even recorded half the information I have gained! I have involved so many friends into this - English, Russian, Belorussian, Spanish, American, Jewish... I have already got people from 15 countries on my map, 4 acting presidents, 3 famous actors, 2 amazing fashion designers and 3 fortune tellers... Oh, and i found another connection to the Queen. Through 3 people this time! I'm getting closer to her!

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